Thursday, June 26, 2014

Declaring Clarity

Sometimes when we find new information about situations we react. Well we actually always react. But I've learned that one can react in different ways. You can either react by ugly crying into your pillow, or you can react by laughing. You can react by getting irrationally angry, or you can react by going completely insane. Or you can have a neutral response to the information that leaves you feeling strangely calm. It's one of the feelings where you're not sure if you're going to actually eventually explode OR if you're going to just remain calm. 

Something new I found out last night left me laughing. It was another moment of clarity for me. And these moments have been happening -- a lot. Clarity is so beautiful. It's a lot like those moments you're driving through a nasty blizzard and you can't see the road. You slow way down and move over so you don't get run down by a semi. And as you're white knuckling the steering wheel and seriously thinking to yourself that you should turn back and go another day... the wind dies down, the snow slows to a mild flurry and you can finally see the road again. You laugh at yourself for wanting to give up through that mess but you're also extremely relieved to know that you lived through it. The conditions slowed you down, but you didn't give up. Happy tears, crazy laughter and some proverbial pats on the back (because you still don't want to let go of that steering wheel). But at least you can see and at least you feel like you have a little bit of that control back. 

I'm not going to go into the details of what I found out last night because really they're irrelevant. It's just another one of those situations where you want to give your intuition a high five for not actually just being crazy irrational girl thoughts. My heart, head and gut were all working together on this one and for that.. I thank them. 

I continue to be more excited about the future than I was the day before. The unknown is terrifying, unless you are actually creating your own unknown. 

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