Wednesday, June 18, 2014


So this is interesting. I've been blocked on all things social media by someone I considered to be a very good friend. Blocked in life too, I assume.

It's times like these that make me realize that some people are just not meant to be in our lives. Is the question 'Can we talk' now considered "crazy girl" talk? Are girls not allowed to have feelings or emotions? Can we not express our slight insecurities without someone deeming us crazy and putting us in a corner?

This has nothing to do with the move. Not really anyways. It just more has to do with life and what it's like to be single in 2014. Or more or less.. what it's like to be a girl in 2014. A girl that has feelings.

This is going to make my transition to NC much easier, though. I'll have more freedom and more vacation days to burn in Pennsylvania or Orlando where some of my best friends live. Actual friends. People who wouldn't just block me like a child. I shouldn't be name calling - but it is what it is. All the questions as to why he was single have been answered.

Being the avid over thinker that I am, I have been looking back on the last week trying to figure out where everything went wrong. Did I say something or do something? Can I even be the one to blame here? He didn't even let me get TO the crazy girl point all of us females know we can get to before he basically pulled the 2014 edition of shunning. You want to see psycho? I'm sure I still have remnants of the psycho I used to be back in my early 20s festering somewhere inside of me.

Maybe blogging about it is the new crazy.

Then f*ck him. I'm crazy.


  1. You don't need him as a friend Katie, save your energy for a real friend.

    1. Thank you! I agree :) I have plenty of real people in my life that definitely wouldn't pull this kind of shit!! Thankfully!!

  2. America is reaching a point where it's not acceptable for anyone to show any emotions besides outrage. If you think it's bad as a girl, you should try being an emotional guy for a second. Over the course of my life I've pretty much been required to strip myself of my humanity and embody a stoic indifference towards everything. I basically can't remember what it's like to express how I feel. And it totally sucks. Stay away from anyone and anything that makes you feel like that.

    It's definitely his problem, dude. If he didn't attempt to reconcile, to talk about the things you or he did to get where you are now, then you can't blame yourself. You were willing to try, whereas he was content with dropping the friendship. I've done the same thing to certain people in my past and it was always, always my fault. Maybe it's a guy thing. If he's anything like me though, he'll be carrying that burden around long after you've moved on, so at least you can cherish that little nugget of vengeance.

    On a cheerier note, if you ever come to Orlando, you should hit me up! I live but a couple of hours away. (This is Todd, btw.)

  3. It is pretty ridiculous to me that people still expect girls to just sit on their emotions. I would prefer it if a guy showed a little emotion so then at least I know if something is bothering them.
    Oh well. Lived and learned!
    Also WHEN I head to Orlando to see one of my best friends you will definitely be one of the first to know! It would be awesome to see you!
