Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Male Selfie

Here's something I've put a lot of thought into. 

Guys taking selfies

Now, girls, we do this a lot. All of us at all ages. Some don't. I shouldn't generalize. But it's rare when you see a guy take a selfie. Guys that take multiple selfies? Even more rare and usually they're flexing a bicep or showing off their ab work. Fine. Guys that take selfies for the sake of taking selfies? Weird. To me it's weird. (I'm talking strictly straight guys) 

I'm in this habit of comparing everyone I meet to my middle brother. He would literally never and has literally never taken a selfie. He also would never be caught dead listening to top 40 hits. He's a guys guy. He doesn't need a beard or even a 5 o'clock shadow to prove that. My oldest brother is the same way. They are actual men. Selfie-less men. (Except for one time my oldest brother took a hilariously bad mustache selfie..but he was overseas and when you fight for our country you are free to do whatever you want). But these two males in my life would never just take a selfie, slap 18 filters on it and post for likes. If they did I would probably make fun of them. Like a lot. All the time. 

Now, not all guys that take selfies are doing it for the sake of the selfie. Some are just way into themselves and their looks and that's fine. You're cute..we get it. Or sometimes they are on a cool vacation with an awesome view in the background! Great! Your nephew is in the picture too! Or your son! Adorable! But some male selfies (melfies?) are annoying to me. Especially when I, a professional selfie taking female, don't even post that many attention seeking selfies. 

Oh you're wearing a different hat! No hat! New sunglasses! New shirt? I don't care. 

Just stop. Or at least slow down. Or stop. Something. 

So that's my stance on the melfie. 


  1. I've taken selfies before, but only to take part in a meme - the infamous GPOYW on Tumblr, which is really a cover for "I'm bored at work, this will waste five minutes" :)

    1. There are definitely times where the male selfie is totally okay. I just think the guys that take selfies just so they have something to Instagram that day are beyond help! :)
