Friday, June 20, 2014

It's Time to Celebrate!

Going away party!

That's tonight. I'm not actually leaving for another 3 weeks but because of holidays and busy schedules, it was decided a long time ago to hold this little celebration tonight. I tried to throw this myself and got yelled at by one of my best friends. She thought it to be a little ridiculous that I was throwing my own going away party so she assumed the position. She's one of those people that I met in the last 6 years that has definitely become more of a sister than just a best friend. We're both really weird and when we get together it is always the same laughter.

Tonight is NOT the night to be sad though. Because I know this good bye isn't forever and it's more like 'see you guys later'... it's still going to be hard. I've been attached at the hip to these people for a long time and now my little security blankets aren't going to just be there to go to dinner or drink too many bottles of wine at the salon or let me ugly cry about stupid shit. (I am the Kim Kardashian of Montana when it comes to the ugly cry.) Thanks to modern technology, however, we can do all of these things with the touch of a button on our smart phones. Maybe we won't be in the same room but it will surely feel like it sometimes.

Tonight we're going to celebrate our time together and share memories, laughter and a lot of shots.

I mean, I will kind of have to mourn this past life I am living currently. If that makes any sense. Things will be different and I'm sure I will be different because of all of these changes. Not in a bad way though. Just less cautious and more curious. I think why I keep writing about this and why I have so many thoughts on this is because I have literally never done anything courageous in my life.

So many things in my life have left me emotionally drained. Deaths, breakups, loss of friendship, wrecking my car, saying good bye to siblings, friends moving away..

But this is the one time in my life I am making the decision to do something completely and totally on my own without anyone's help. This is what independence is made of--I think.

I feel like I'm the subject of a Beyonce song...

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