Thursday, June 12, 2014

Is This Real Life?

This week my application to my apartment was accepted. My site-unseen apartment. One I've never been in. I don't know what condition it will be in. I don't know what it will smell like. Or feel like. I don't really know what 512 sq ft means or how big that is.

What I do know though is that the unknown is awesomely terrifying. I will be on the 3rd floor. I will have a balcony. I have a kitchen.. and a bathroom. These are the only things I know for sure.

I don't own a bed, a couch, tables.. Nothing. I own clothes, kitchen and bathroom stuff, and decorations. There are a couple of furniture stores in the area of my apartment. I am going to finance the shit out of a mattress and a couch. At least. Maybe some TV stands and a night stand. I am literally starting fresh and new and clean and...

What am I doing?

An adventure. That's what I'm doing. I'm doing adventure.


  1. Good for you ! Get out and experience life without a safety net !

    1. Thanks, Cory!! That's exactly what this feels like.. but it'll all be worth it.. In good time :)

  2. Of course. Now that I have a good excuse to travel to Montana (for free), you're moving to NC. You bastard!

    It's going to be totally worth it though. The best lives have countless adventures contained within them.

    1. Awww, I can't use my Facebook info? This is Todd, btw.

    2. Just cruise up to NC! Closer to FL anyways :)
