Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Game Changer 2016

Hi Lisa!
I am one of those 30 year old girls that always ends up on the shitty end of the breakup. I have confidence until I get into a relationship. I've read every "self help" book and listened to every podcast. I get inspired like someone lit a fire under me for a bit...and then I crash. I get so needy in a relationship but yet I pay for everything. Needy emotionally ...but financially sound.

My friend says I don't have enough self worth to really stand my ground and get what I deserve. Yes I have weight to lose and that hinders my self esteem but I know there are a million other wonderful things about me that I need to protect. I just don't know what to do anymore. I know I won't end up alone but I'm sick of being walked on. I am so angry with men yet I know really I should be angry with myself for allowing the bad behaviors.
I've listened to every single one of your podcasts and I just absolutely love your view points.


I sent this on 6/10/2016. And to say this email changed my life is an understatement. From that day forward I hired Lisa Hayes to tell me how to live my life. I needed it. I needed someone to coach me into adulthood. All of these relationship issues were just the tip of the iceberg. The next few months, every time I talked to Lisa I would end up in tears. Because it wasn't at all about being bad in relationships or the dreaded "being needy" that most women are accused of. I truly disliked myself. Everyone else was placed so much higher than I placed myself.

Reading the above email is hilarious to me now. To be completely and 100% honest I reached out to her hoping I could learn something to fix my most recent failed relationship. Maybe if I changed... I could somehow get him to come back. Throughout the process I kept thinking though "If only HE saw how much I have changed and how better I am." It wasn't until probably the 2nd month I was in this thing with Lisa that everything clicked. What I ended up learning was how much I didn't need or want that relationship or anymore similar relationships to exist again. 

I was finally growing a relationship with myself. I know people don't always struggle with this. This "self love" thing comes so naturally to some so this process of hiring a life coach and having to work on it when I'm 30 is probably a little... kooky to some people. And that's fine. You can definitely have your opinions on it.  I needed this. I didn't know I was okay. Before all of this, I didn't know people could like me just because they liked me. I always thought everyone had an angle. I always felt that if I didn't act a certain way people would leave. Because people have left. And I put it all on me and blamed myself. 

2016 was my best year yet because I finally figured out how to love myself. It's necessary and required. And it's the foundation for all other love. 

For 2017 I resolve...
To build my relationship with myself. 
To continue to take care of myself first. 
To paint as often as possible.
To continue to be happy.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and the way you write! So open and honest and relatable! Thank you for sharing your thoughts...I'm sure so many people can relate including myself at one point of another in our lives! You have a gift! ����
